ACAN advocacy wins bipartisan support for slavery survivors

The parliamentary process to appoint an Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner is well underway with legislation passing the House of Representatives.

The Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2023 [Provisions] (the Bill) was referred to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for Inquiry.

The ACAN submission to the Inquiry called for amendments to ensure an Anti-Slavery Commissioner would have the power and sufficient resources to do their job effectively. 

ACAN was the only faith-based organisation invited to give evidence at a public hearing held by the Senate Committee Inquiry in Brisbane.

ACAN was represented at the Inquiry public hearing by consultant Moe Turaga, a survivor of modern slavery and Luke Geary Mills Oakley Pro Bono Partner and Domus 8.7 Advisory Committee Member.

The Senate Committee tabled the Inquiry Report on 29th February. The Report included recommendations by ACAN.


Anti-Slavery Taskforce

Website of the Archdiocese of Sydney Antislavery Taskforce


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